It is never easy losing someone, and to do so unexpectedly makes it like hitting a brick wall one didn't see coming. I wrote this song when Texas was experiencing Hurricane Harvey. A hurricane is scary enough, especially when the flood destroys all your belongings. Reports show that 64 people lost their lives in that Hurricane. Life is not replaceable, but things are.
In this song, I imagine someone trapped by rising floodwaters with no help in sight. I picture a daughter looking for her mother. I feel the heartache of a thousand million tears falling to the ground in hopes that maybe her mother is safe.
Nashville just had a tornado strike their community. I can't imagine the shock and horror of a disaster of that magnitude. I pray that through these horrible experiences, we learn that we are more alike than different.
In this song, the girl finds hope by believing God hears her prayers. Even though she is in a state of unexpected pain, she finds comfort in her faith. I pray that out of the storm will come peace that passes our minds understanding.
With Love,
Jackie Self
You can see me singing this song on Facebook